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You already know this, but it’s worth reinforcing. Research consistently shows that effective supervisor and manager training has a profound impact on organizational success.  

According to a recent SHRM study, companies that invest in leadership development experience significantly higher revenue growth and profit margins. Additionally, Gallup’s research highlights that highly committed employees, who are often the result of effective leadership, try 57% harder, perform 20% better, and are 87% less likely to leave than employees with low levels of commitment. 

The problems we know you have that good training will help you solve: 

  • Struggling New Supervisors:  You see a pattern of promoting the best workers to supervisory roles, only to see them struggle. 
  • Lack of Ready Managers: You are finding it difficult to fill open manager roles with qualified internal candidates.  
  • Low Engagement Scores: Your engagement scores and attrition data point to managers as a cause of dissatisfaction and turnover. 
  • Training Without Disruption: You need to train your leaders but can’t afford to shut down production or take people away from their desks. 
  • Uninspired Supervisors: Your supervisors are just getting by or seem uninspired, but you can see their potential to be better. 
  • High Employee Turnover:  Your teams are struggling with high employee turnover in front-line and entry-level positions.  

Poor supervision can lead to high turnover rates, low employee morale, and decreased productivity. Conversely, well-trained supervisors can enhance employee engagement, reduce turnover, and improve overall team performance. The American Psychological Association (APA) also emphasizes the importance of training managers to recognize and support employees’ mental health needs, which can further reduce turnover and absenteeism. 

So, what is it that is holding you back from deploying a manager training program that gets results? Is it finding the right vendor that offers more than a canned regurgitation of theory and tired ideas? Is it putting the compelling business case together to secure the funding from the C-suite? Is it getting commitment from operation leaders to trade time working with time training? Or is it simply building and executing a viable plan? 

Whatever your challenge, I bet I’ve been in a similar situation, have worked my way through it, and could help you do the same. I’ve always had a hard time accepting ‘no’ as an answer when employee or leadership development is in high need. Over my 25-year career, I’ve secured a 6-figure grant to underwrite training resources, talked leaders into serving as facilitators to help cut costs, built talent strategies to ensure development and feedback become part of the DNA of the company and not just a box to check, and forged creative partnership with high-caliber providers to bring high-value training and coaching to several organizations. 

Let me help you deal with whatever is holding you back. This month, I am offering HR professional or operational leaders a free hour to quickly assess and help you address whatever is in your way.  I am confident that together we can help you make the progress you need. 

Schedule time with me! 


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